Metaverso, CPS, Realidade Virtual/Aumentada, Gêmeos Digitais, Holografia, BIM, Blockchain e NFT

O termo 'metaverso" foi cunhado por Neal Stephenson em seu romance de ficção científica de 1992 “Snow Crash”. Na estória, humanos interagem uns com os outros como avatares imersos em um ambiente virtual tridimensional. Em 2021, Mark Zuckerberg anunciou a nova marca "Facebook" como “Meta”, em homenagem ao “Metaverse”; deu-se,então, início a uma corrrida de ocupação e exploração deste mundo virtual teórico, sempre ativo e persistente, com sua própria economia, empregos, relacionamentos, áreas de compras e mídia para consumir. Este portal é dedicado ao metaverso e às tecnologias, inovações e negócios correlatos e propulsores. É uma porta de entrada para a Internet do futuro.



08/06/2022 - Visionary Futurist Neal Stephenson and Crypto Pioneer Peter Vessenes Announce Lamina1, the Layer-1 Blockchain for the Open Metaverse
By Staff | Business Wire | 08/06/2022
New York -For the Metaverse to achieve its promise, it requires a base-level blockchain protocol equal to the technical, economic, and philosophical origins of the Metaverse idea itself — an open and expansive virtual universe. To fulfill that promise, cryptocurrency pioneer Peter Vessenes and renowned futurist Neal Stephenson are announcing Lamina1, a new Layer-1 blockchain technology designed for the Metaverse with Web3 principles in mind.

04/06/2022 - There's No Place for Sheryl Sandberg in the Metaverse
By Mack DeGeurin | GIZMODO Tech. Science. Culture. | 04/06/2022 | 7 min read
The ex-COO's unrelenting focus on ads and growth brought fortune and mayhem but may fail to meet Meta' current challenges or its future business.

02/06/2022 - Gartner Says Worldwide IaaS Public Cloud Services Market Grew 41.4% in 2021
By Staff | Gartner | June 2, 2022
Top Five IaaS Providers Account for Over 80% of Total Market. “The next phase of IaaS growth will be driven by customer experience, digital outcomes and the virtual-first world,” said Nag. “Emerging technologies that can help businesses bring experiences closer to their customers, such as the metaverse, chatbots and digital twins, will require hyperscale infrastructure to meet growing demands for compute and storage power”, said Sid Nag, VP analyst at Gartner. .


29/05/2022 - Identity and the Metaverse: Decentralized control
By Lottie Wells | | 29/05/2022
What will our identity look like in the Metaverse? A decentralized Web3 suggests it’ll be completely in our control, but growing amounts of information stored online suggest otherwise.

19/05/2022 - Agências estruturam escritórios no metaverso
Por Thaís Monteiro | meioEmensagem | 19/05/2022
Empresas ingressam no mundo virtual para engajar funcionários e incentivar clientes.

17/05/2022 - Croquet Woos JavaScript Devs with a Web-Based Metaverse
By Richard MacManus | TheNewsStack| May 17, 2022
The JPEG file format played a crucial role in transitioning the web from a world of text to a visual experience through an open, efficient container for sharing images. Now, the graphics language transmission format (glTF) promises to do the same thing for 3D objects in the metaverse and digital twins.

11/05/2022 - Why glTF is the JPEG for the metaverse and digital twins
By George Lawton | VentureBeat| May 11, 2022
O formato de arquivo JPEG desempenhou um papel crucial na transição da web de um mundo de texto para uma experiência visual por meio de um contêiner aberto e eficiente para compartilhamento de imagens. Agora, o formato de transmissão de linguagem gráfica (glTF) promete fazer o mesmo para objetos 3D no metaverso e nos gêmeos digitais.

19/04/2022 - Rede Blockchain Brasil é criada em acordo do TCU com BNDES
Gustavo Bertolucci | lIVECOINS | 19/04/2022 09:42
Rede para criar aplicações de interesse público.

Acordo de Cooperação n.º D-121.2.0014.22 - Publicação em Diário Oficial
18/04/2022 - Hyundai lança NFT e se prepara para metaverso
Por Gustavo Bertolucci | LIVECOINS | 18/04/2022 09:19
A gigante montadora de veículos sul-coreana Hyundai lançou sua coleção NFT e já se prepara para uma imersão no metaverso. Essa é mais uma montadora de veículos a ingressar no mercado dos NFTs, uma tecnologia que permite a criação de itens digitais exclusivos e registrados em blockchain.

08/04/2022 - Coca-Cola lança sabor 'Byte', inspirado no Metaverso
Por Iraci Falavina | etecmundo | 08/04/2022 | 1 min de leitura
A Coca-Cola Creations, plataforma de inovação da marca de bebidas, anunciou a nova Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Byte, o primeiro sabor inspirado no Metaverso. O refrigerante Byte já existia no universo virtual e só agora virá para o mundo real. A Coca-Cola Byte ainda oferece experiências em Realidade Aumentada (AR) e em games, incluindo a ilha Pixel Point, dentro do jogo Fortnite. O "universo virtual" dá acesso a quatro minijogos com estímulos sensoriais: The Castle, The Escape, The Race e The Tower.

07/04/2022 - Epic Games e Lego se unem para criar metaverso para crianças
Por Redação | epocanegocios | 07/04/2022 | 1 min de leitura
Empresas ainda não deram detalhes sobre o projeto, mas deixaram claro que será um espaço virtual familiar.

07/04/2022 - Apesar do alto investimento, jogos do metaverso podem estar sofrendo para manter os usuários
Por Redação | | 07/04/2022
Conforme levantado pelo Coin Desk, jogos do metaverso estão lutando para dar motivos para que os jogadores continuem engajados.

05/04/2022 - Jogo NFT da Fórmula 1 é encerrado repentinamente e jogadores que compraram carros por R$ 500 mil se desesperam
Por Gustavo Bertolucci | livecoins | 05/04/2022 09:44
Jogo foi criado em 2019 e foi um dos primeiros licenciados do setor.

31/03/2022 - Zilliqa ($ZIL) valoriza quase 300% após anúncio de metaverso as a service
Por Lorena Almada | livecoins | 31/03/2022 13:11
A Metapolis propõe utilizar o serviço MaaS (Metaverse-as-a-Service), um diferencial em relação a concorrentes como Decentraland. Além disso, se espera que juntem os melhores estudos de aplicações e jogos da indústria.

27/03/2022 - Meta registra patente para NFTs e criptomoedas
Por Luiz Gustavo Pacete | Forbes | 27/03/2022
Dona do Facebook entrou com pedido para oito tipos de elementos que vão desde logos até símbolos que remetem à marca.

25/03/2022 - In the metaverse, Fashion Week is for everyone (if your browser doesn't crash)
By Meera Navlakha | Mashable | on March 25, 2022
Is this the future of fashion events?


Veja o vídeo

20/03/2022 - Liberdade: 'No metaverso qualquer um pode escolher quem quer Ser', destaca fundador do The Sandbox
Por Cassio Gusson | | 20/03/2022
'Apoiamos os esforços dos criadores para construir mundos inclusivos que possam inspirar os jogadores a ver além das diferenças externas', destaca co-fundador do The Sandbox, Sébastien Borget.

20/03/2022 - Japanese startup H2L decided to bring pain to the metaverse
By Staff | Aroged | 20/03/2022
Japanese tech startup H2L has decided to bet on a solution that aims to inflict physical pain on people in the metaverse. This is not some kind of aggression or deviation – many modern companies are working to expand the sensations available to a person in virtual worlds.

Image Source:

19/03/2022 - Sete novas profissões que o Metaverso vai gerar
Por Priscilla Kinast | | 19/03/2022
O metaverso está criando algumas profissões que provavelmente devem empregar as futuras gerações.

17/03/2022 - HSBC compra terreno virtual em jogo online e estreia no metaverso
Por Staff | Forbes | 17/03/2022
O HSBC é o segundo banco global a investir em uma plataforma metaverso, após o JPMorgan estabelecer uma presença na Decentraland.

16/03/2022 - Mark Zuckerberg Says NFTs Are Coming to Instagram
By Erin Carson | CNET | 16/03/2022
At SXSW, Zuckerberg reiterated familiar themes about the future of the metaverse and talked NFTs on Instagram.

08/03/2022 - Rio de Janeiro terá criptoativo, NFT e estará no metaverso
Por Panorama Crypto | | 08.03.2022 16:42
Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro vai investir em criptoativos e criar uma moeda digital, a “CariocaCoin”.

By Arti | | 08/03/2022
Metaverse can help you hold conferences and also take a trip around the virtual world. Interest in metaverse real estate skyrocketed.

  07/03/2022 - How the NFT revolution poses key risks and legal issues
By Robin Henry and Jean-Martin Louw | | 07.03.2022 | 4 min read
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been around since 2014, but in the Covid-era, as more cultural experiences migrated online, NFTs began to experience far greater take-up amongst ordinary consumers, say law firm Collyer Bristow partner Robin Henry and associate Jean-Martin Louw.

07/03/2022 - Empresa de jogos NFT recebe US$ 200 milhões e vira unicórnio de US$ 2,5 bilhões
Por Decrypt | UOL Portal do Bitcoin | 07.03.2022 18:02
A startup por trás da Immutable X, uma solução de escalabilidade para NFTs e jogos do Ethereum, é o mais novo unicórnio após uma arrecadação recente

21/02/2022 - Impactos do metaverso no Direito
Por Bruna Mirella Fiore Braghetto e Maurício Pallotta Rodrigues| Consultor Jurídico/ | 21.02.2022 11h12
Alguns possíveis impactos do Metaverso na opinião dos autores.

20/02/2022 - How The Metaverse Might Change The Way Business Operates
By Jennifer L. Schenker | | 20.02.2022
Feeling confused by the mounting hype around the metaverse and wondering what it might mean for your business? You’re not alone. When announcing the intent to “reach a billion people, host hundreds of billions of dollars of digital commerce, and support jobs for millions of creators and developers” Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg explained in a blog posting that the defining quality of the metaverse will be “a feeling of presence—like you are right there with another person or in another place.”

08/02/2022 - Gartner: 30% das organizações terão produtos e serviços para o metaverso até 2026
Por Redação| itforum/ | 08 de fevereiro de 2022
Consultoria também prevê que 25% das pessoas passarão pelo menos uma hora por dia no Metaverso até 2026

07/02/2022 - Gartner Predicts 25% of People Will Spend At Least One Hour Per Day in the Metaverse by 2026
By Staff | Gartner | February 7, 2022
Metaverse Hype to Transition into New Business Models that Extend Digital Business.

02/02/2022 - Companies like Nike and Disney are hiring like crazy for the metaverse—and it’s just the start
By MARCO QUIROZ-GUTIERREZ | Fortune | February 2, 2022 3:20 PM GMT-3
The metaverse may be all about virtual worlds, but as companies increasingly incorporate it into their business models, it’s yielding several jobs IRL.

27/01/2021 - Luva e colete de realidade virtual prometem imersão em jogos
Por Victor Pacheco | | 27/01/2022
Novos produtos são focados em permitir que imersão em realidade virtual fique ainda maior: luva e colete hápticos para metaverso.

30/12/2021 - New research shows Metaverse is not safe for kids
By Staff | CCDH | December 30, 2021
Research conducted by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) shows that VR Chat — the most reviewed social app in Facebook’s VR Metaverse—is rife with abuse, harassment, racism and pornographic content.


>>>>>> CCDH Report <<<<<<
21/12/2021 - Metaverse may be $800 billion market, next tech platform
By Matthew Kanterman and Nathan Naidu | Bloomberg Intelligence | December 21, 2021
"The metaverse is the next big technology platform, attracting online game makers, social networks and other technology leaders to capture a slice of what we calculate to be a nearly $800 billion market opportunity. Social, persistent, shared, virtual 3D worlds, the metaverse is the convergence of the physical and digital realms in the next evolution of the internet and social networks using real-time 3D software. It presents an opportunity for leading online entertainment and social media companies to capitalize on new revenue streams".


17/12/2021 - Instituições invadem o metaverso: Nike, Apple, Microsoft e mais disputam espaço no setor
Por Hashdex | | Dec 17, 2021 16h37
Nas últimas semanas, o mundo cripto e as empresas tradicionais se viram diante de um grande marco com a mudança de nome do Facebook

16/12/2021 - Investing in the Metaverse - New Opportunities in the Virtual World
By Vijay Chandar - Investment Strategist, Wealth Management | Morgan Stanley | Dec 16, 2021
The virtual realm known as the metaverse may be the world of tomorrow, but two technologies that enable it could create opportunities for investors today.

13/12/2021 - Nike just bought a virtual shoe company that makes NFTs and sneakers ‘for the metaverse’
By Richard Lawler@rjcc Dec 13, 2021, 8:45pm EST
RTFKT makes shoes too, except these only exist digitally.

10/11/2021 - Unity is buying VFX giant Weta Digital in preparation for the metaverse boom
By Bogdan Solca, Nov 10
With the acquisition of all the artist tools, core pipeline, intellectual property and engineering talent from Weta Digital, Unity is set to become the premier video game engine to power future metaverse projects.

01/11/2021 - Mark Zuckerberg says a new skin-like material could support metaverse ambitions
By Sam Shead| Nov 1st, 2021
Together with Carnegie Mellon scientists, artificial intelligence researchers at Meta created a deformable plastic “skin” less than 3 mm thick. ReSkin, as the technology is known, can detect forces down to 0.1 newtons from objects that are less than 1 mm in size. “This brings us one step closer to realistic virtual objects and physical interactions in the metaverse,” said Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

28/10/2021 - Meta: Founder’s Letter, 2021
By Mark Zuckerberg | Oct 28, 2021
We are at the beginning of the next chapter for the internet, and it’s the next chapter for our company too.

28/10/2021 - O que é o metaverso, apontado como o futuro do Facebook por Mark Zuckerberg
Por Alessandro Feitosa | 28/10/2021 16:45
Empresa anunciou mudança de nome, que passará a se chamar Meta, em referência ao conceito de universo virtual.

19/08/2021 - Facebook unveils Horizon Workrooms for remote coworking in VR
By Dean Takahashi | VentureBeat | August 19, 2021
Facebook is launching its open beta for Horizon Workrooms, a way for people to work together remotely in groups with Oculus Quest 2 virtual reality headsets or other ways of connecting.

19/08/2021 - Facebook gets VR meetings right with Horizon Workrooms
By D. Hardawar @devindra | engadget | August 19, 2021
It's built for everyone who's tired of group video chats.

30/07/2021 - Why Mark Zuckerberg is turning Facebook into a "metaverse company" and what could derail him
By Joon Ian Wong | | July 30, 2021, 7.30.21 11:33 AM
The key stumbling block for Facebook is openness and interoperability.

23/07/2021 - Zuckerberg wants Facebook to become online 'metaverse'
By Staff | BBC News | July 23, 2021
Mark Zuckerberg has laid out his vision to transform Facebook from a social media network into a “metaverse company” in the next five years.

06/07/2021 - Linux Foundation cria a Open 3D Foundation
Por Claylson Martins | | 07/07/2021
Objetivo é ajudar a promover jogos 3D e tecnologias de simulação.

10/03/2021 - Roblox: How the children's game became a $30bn bet on the Metaverse
By Jane Wakefield | BBC News | 10/03/2021
David Baszucki, is about to become a very rich man, as his video-game platform, Roblox, floats on the New York Stock Exchange, valued at a cool $30bn (£21.6bn)..

27/09/2019 - Facebook to create VR world called Horizon
By Staff | BBC News | 27/09/2019
Facebook is creating an immersive environment called Horizon to tempt people into spending more time in virtual reality..

21/06/2019 - 2019: The Year Virtual Reality Gets Real
By Sol Rogers| Forbes | 21/06/2019
Virtual reality has come a long way in a short time, and it’s still advancing at a rapid rate. .

06/06/2019 - Analysis: Monthly-connected VR Headsets on Steam Pass 1 Million Milestone
By Ben Lang| Road to VR | 06/06/2019
Valve’s monthly Steam Survey has long offered useful insight into the share of VR headsets in use on Steam. But the figures provided are relative to the non-static Steam population, which obfuscates the actual adoption trend of VR headsets on the platform. To demystify the data, Road to VR has developed a proprietary model which derives actual headset counts by correcting for Steam’s changing population. The latest data shows that monthly-connected VR headsets on Steam have surpassed 1 million for the first time. .

25/03/2019 -
By Jeff Grubb @jeffgrubb| VentureBeat | 25/03/2019
Sony has confirmed that the PlayStation VR is doing relatively well in the still-developing virtual reality space. The publisher revealed in a blog today exactly how many PSVRs it has sold .

25/03/2019 - PlayStation VR State of Play roundup: No Man’s Sky, Blood & Truth, and more
By Jeff Grubb @jeffgrubb| VentureBeat | 25/03/2019
Sony Interactive Entertainment revealed a plethora of new games coming to its PlayStation VR headset. That includes support for an older game and a followup from an early PSVR experience .

22/07/2014 - Facebook oficializa a compra da Oculus VR pelo dobro do Instagram.
Por Redação | TechTudo | 22/07/2014
Aquisição da empresa de jogos Oculus VR foi estimada em US$ 2 bilhões, o dobro do valor pago pela compra do Instagram.


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e-Book - Blockchain for dummies
| By Manav Gupta at IBM
2nd IBM Limited Edition, 2018

IBM Logo blockchain-for-dummies
Ebook - 5G & Beyond For Dummies®, Keysight Technologies Special Edition | by Larry Miller and Jessy Cavazos
Find out about 5G technologies and their associated challenges. Discover solutions available to address these challenges and ways you can create new opportunities for your organization

Ebook - A Resource Guide to XR Collaboration | by XR Ignite - | 2021
A Resource Guide to >XR Collaboration is an interactive and comprehensive guide to using AR, VR, MR and XR. The XR Collaboration Resource Guide is an interactive and comprehensive online tool that helps companies utilize XR collaboration and remote work tools for businesses. The guide will serve as a central repository of detailed information about XR collaboration products and platforms and include an easy-to-use interactive tool for matching to specific business needs, a feature that will be available by the end of this month. All of this will be free to use and free to share.

Ebook/Discussion Paper - Reimagining Reality: Human Rights and Immersive Technology | 2021
This paper discusses the human rights implications of emergent technology, and focus on virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and immersive technologies. Because of the psychological and physiological aspects of immersive technologies, and the potential for a new invasive class of privacy-related harms, I argue that content creators, hardware producers, and lawmakers should take increased caution to protect users. This will help protect the nascent industry in a changing legal landscape and help ensure that the beneficial uses of

Ebook/Report - Framing the Future of Web 3.0 | 2021
This report presents the Goldman Sachs view: the global Internet is in the middle to late innings of the innovation curve of Web 2.0 (the shift from desktop to mobile computing & from local to cloud storage) and the “leaders” of this wave of the Internet are now firmly established. In framing the next wave of computing (Web 3.0), we see the potential for dramatic shifts in industry structure (decentralized, more local/niche/targeted) that could impact current investor perceptions of platform moat/strength, industry input costs, possible headwinds to monetization driven by personalization and potential for shifting media & commerce trends. One element of Web 3.0 that has recently captured media & investor attention is the “Metaverse” – a term that has taken on many meanings but with common themes around virtual and immersive experiences, online communities and the creator economy. In the report, we examine how the gaming/media landscape has already shown some key elements as to how the Metaverse might evolve and how themes such as decentralized web activity & virtual experiences could become hallmarks of many of the next wave of computing in Web 3.0.

Ebook - Value creation in the metaverse | 2022
With its potential to generate up to $5 trillion in value by 2030, the metaverse is too big for companies to ignore.

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O rol de eventos aqui apresentado tem caráter informativo.
A oferta e realização é de responsabilidade de seus organizadores.

23/05/2022 - 23º WRNP - Sessão VII: Rumo ao Metaverso: Definições e Oportunidades
Evento online | 23 de mai de 2022 08:00 → 24 de mai de 2022 20:00
23º Workshop RNP
Sessão VII: Rumo ao Metaverso: Definições e Oportunidades | 16:00 - 17:00 23/05/2022
Rumo ao Metaverso: Definições e Oportunidades
Replay Rumo ao Metaverso: Definições e Oportunidades
>>>>>> Replay disponível <<<<<< Play

19/05/2022 - Seminário Metaverso - Desafios e oportunidades
Com programação totalmente virtual e aberta ao público, o evento contará com a participação de especialistas no tema.
Cada painel terá um link único e os interessados devem acessar o endereço e escolher qual sala deseja acompanhar (basta clicar aqui ). Entre os temas que serão debatidos no Seminário estão: Entendendo o que é Metaverso e suas aplicações; Como o Metaverso impactará profundamente a educação; Regulamentação e impacto das tecnologias Web 3.0 no setor público; Games e Negócios; Metaverso aplicado ao Setor Público e Indústria, eXtended Reality para a Indústria 4.0, Aspectos legais, Risco e Oportunidade, dentre outros.
Seminário Metaverso SECTI BAHIA   Seminário Metaverso SECTI BAHIA
>>>>>> Transmissão pelo Youtube (Replay disponível) <<<<<< Play

02, 09 e 16/05/2022 - Série Metaverso - Tudo sobre IoT
Evento online e gratuito, com três sessões: (1ª) Ganhos e Oportunidades no Metaverso; (2ª) Maturidade Hoje no Metaverso; e (3ª) Aplicando Estratégias no Metaverso. Coordenação Professor João Roberto Peres. Realização TSIOT.
Série Metaverso TSIOT
>>>>>> Inscrições <<<<<<

Replay disponível no canal do Youtube da Comunidade Tudo Sobre IoT.
Play     Série Metaverso TSIOT    Série Metaverso TSIOT

Replay Apresentação do Prof.Lourival Moreira
Play     Série Metaverso TSIOT - Prof.Lourival

CURSO - Certificação Metaverse Expert - Tudo sobre IoT
Certificação destinada a líderes empresariais. Tem como objetivo prover as habilidades e competências necessárias para um líder transformacional, em um ambiente cada vez mais volátil, onde os modelos de negócios estão em acelerada evolução, assim como o Metaverso. Coordenado pelo Professor João Roberto Peres. Realização TSIOT.
Certificação metaverse expert
>>>>>> Informações e Inscrições <<<<<<

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Vídeo - Metaverso: onde você vai viver e trabalhar em breve | Por Walter Longo
Neste evento, Walter Longo nos apresenta os impactos do Metaverso na nossa forma de encarar o mundo, além de entender como o marketing, as vendas, a produção de bens e serviços, a ciência e a educação serão afetados por essa nova realidade.

Video - Metaverse: Beyond Human | By Aperture
Imagine a world where you wake up, head to the office in the morning, to a party with friends in the evening, and then a live concert at midnight. All while sitting in the warmth of your home or from the comfort of your bed.
Metaverse: Beyond Human


Video - What Are The Effects of The Metaverse On Society? | By Bernard Marr
The metaverse is coming – what positive and negative effects will it have on our society? Here we look at how the metaverse will transform different sectors and explore some of the challenges that come with it.

Digital Twin - Do you know what Digital Twin is? | By Autodesk
Digital Twin is an intelligent, digital replica to optimize performance, gain insights, and reduce costs.

Metaverse - Investors pay millions for real estate in metaverse | By CNBC News
CNBC’s Andrea Day joins Shep Smith to report that some investors are paying millions of dollars for plots of land that don’t exist in the real world, but the do in the metaverse..
investors-pay-millions-for-real-estate-in-metaverse cnbc logo

Demo - CES2022 Tactglove Demo Preview | By bHaptics
Tactical glove presented at CES2022 by bHaptics
tactil_glove   logo bhaptics

Haptic - What is HAPTIC FEEDBACK? | By Jelvix
Haptic feedback is a way to communicate with users through sensations in interfaces.
haptic   haptic

Demo - Holoportation: virtual 3D teleportation in real-time (Microsoft Research) | By Microsoft Research
holoportation is a new type of 3D capture technology that allows high quality 3D models of people to be reconstructed, compressed, and transmitted anywhere in the world in real-time. When combined with mixed reality displays such as HoloLens, this technology allows users to see and interact with remote participants in 3D as if they are actually present in their physical space. Communicating and interacting with remote users becomes as natural as face to face communication.
Holoportation   Holoportation

VFX - 3D DCC - The Future of Content Creation, Gaming, VFX & the Metaverse | By PixelFire
"Unity just bought Weta Digital for $1.6 billion! Unity will acquire Weta Digital's artist tools, core pipeline, intellectual property, and engineering talent. This is HUGE for the Gaming, VFX, and Virtual Production industries. With all these new features, the Unity game engine will soon have Virtual Production tools that will either match or surpass those of Unreal Engine. This is a breakdown of everything this acquisition entails. I talk about Unity's reason for buying Weta Digital, what Weta Digital is, how this acquisition of Weta will help change Unity and make Unity better, how this acquisition of Weta will help Unity enhance the Metaverse, and how Weta will continue creating visual effects for movies".
0:00 - Intro
0:28 - Why did Unity buy Weta Digital?
2:07 - What is Weta Digital?
3:04 - How will the acquisition of Weta change Unity?
5:42 - The Metaverse? Really?
6:21 - Will Weta stop creating VFX for movies?
6:46 - Final Thoughts
Pixel Fire   Holoportation

Talk - An introduction to Vircadia - an Open Source desktop and VR metaverse | By Vadim Troshchinskiy | at (a conference about the Linux operating system)
Vircadia is a somewhat unusual type of software. We use the word "metaverse" to describe it -- a collective virtual shared space, without a fixed purpose. It's a similar idea to Second Life or to a lesser extent, VR Chat. Vircadia is a fork of the now dead High Fidelity in its original incarnation. A simple way of looking at it the 3D equivalent of Apache. What it does is providing a 3D environment (with optional VR support) where to socialize, script, make games, hold meetings, or do most anything that could be done in a 3D setting. It was made to be flexible and can serve many purposes.

Talk - Qual é o MELHOR Software 3D? Maya vs 3dsMax vs Cinema 4D vs Houdini vs Blender | By Surfaced Studio
Qual é o melhor software 3D? Quais programas 3D são usados na indústria de efeitos visuais? O que você deve aprender?
O vídeo fala sobre os 5 principais programas 3D por aí: Maya, Houdini, 3dsMax, Cinema 4D e Blender:
Maya: o principal software usado na indústria de efeitos visuais. Poderosos recursos de animação e ferramentas de script.
Houdini: novo jogador na indústria de efeitos visuais. Complexo, mas poderoso aplicativo de software 3D processual. Usado para destruição, fumaça, explosões e efeitos orgânicos, por exemplo, efeitos de desintegração e energia.
Cinema 4D: adequado para criar animações de título e gráficos em movimento. Ótimo para animações 3D abstratas e renderizações limpas.
3dsMax: adequado para trabalhos para arquitetura, design de produto ou espaço de engenharia.
Blender: aplicativo 3D GRÁTIS. Ótimo para iniciantes e profissionais, mas não amplamente utilizado na indústria de efeitos visuais. IMO, o melhor programa, se você trabalha apenas como freelancer ou quer trabalhar em jogos indie ou fazer vídeos divertidos no YouTube!

Metaverse Newscast: Ryan Schultz Interviews
By Ryan Schultz | at Metaverse Newscast
Metaverse Newscast is a show which covers the personalities and stories behind social VR, virtual worlds and the Metaverse.
ryan-schultz-metaverse-newscast ryan-schultz-metaverse-newscast

Feel VR with your bare hands | Emerge Kickstarter Launch Ad
By Emerge | at Emerge Channnel - Youtube
The Emerge Wave-1 is a new completely safe ultrasound-powered tabletop device that helps you physically feel what you see in VR. Feel VR with your bare hands now.
logo_emerge Emerge Kickstarter Launch Ad

Introduction to WebGL with Tony Parisi
By Google | at Google Developers Channnel - Youtube
logo_emerge Introduction to WebGL with Tony Parisi

USD Video Tutorials
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ARTICLE - The metaverse will evolve across three overlapping phases and won’t be fully mature before 2030, but tech product leaders must start to evaluate the opportunities now.
Logo Gartner   Arte do Artigo

ARTICLE - Marketing in the metaverse: An opportunity for innovation and experimentation.
By Staff | McKinsey & Company | May 24, 2022
Although widespread adoption of the metaverse may take some time, leading brands are already rewriting the rules of marketing.
Logo McKinsey   Arte do Artigo

ARTIGO - Metaverso: o que é esse novo mundo virtual?
Por Staff | Nubank | 14 de janeiro de 2022
Nos últimos meses de 2021, a criação de um universo virtual, compartilhado e hiper-realista virou o centro das atenções. Mas o que é essa tecnologia e quando ela vai estar disponível? Entenda.
Logo Nubank    Artigo

ARTIGO - Não se iluda, Axie Infinity, Decentraland e The Sandbox não são metaversos, diz especialista
Por Cassio Gusson | | Em 01/04/2022
'O que eles têm em comum? São aleatórios, têm começo e fim, e uma atuação limitada do usuário. Todos são experiências virtuais, isso não podemos negar. Mas não são o Metaverso. O Metaverso é uma realidade paralela' destaca analista sobre games que apontam ser um metaverso.
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ARTIGO - Definindo “o” Metaverso
Por Silvio Meira | Blog do autor | Em 03/04/2022 | 27 min. leitura
"Metaverso, uma combinação do prefixo meta [que exprime a ideia de maior generalidade, de nível superior] com universo, caracteriza um suposto ambiente sintético conectado ao mundo físico. A gente poderia parar por aqui, mas isso é muito pouco pra definir o que é o metaverso. É apenas a definição sintática do que poderia ser o metaverso, e não explica quase nada do que a coisa realmente deve[ria] ser".
Silvio Meira   Arte do Artigo

ARTICLE - Three Emerging Educational Opportunities In The Metaverse
By Bernard Marr | Forbes Entreprise Tech | April 4, 2022,01:08am EDT
In this post, the author shares the potential positive and negative effects of the metaverse on society. He takes a deeper dive into how this innovative technology will change our world for the better and some concerns and challenges we need to consider.

ARTIGO - Metaverso virou faroeste, para tristeza de idealistas e farra dos vigaristas e especuladores
Por Bruno Natal | Mit Tech Review | Em 17/03/2022
O metaverso ainda é mais uma ideia do que propriamente um lugar ou um produto. Tem Realidade Virtual, você poderá encontrar e se reunir com pessoas no mundo digital, ter seu próprio avatar já é possível e assim por diante. Mas o fato é que nada disso é novidade. Essas tecnologias estão disponíveis há muitos anos. Justamente porque o metaverso é um território pouco explorado e com gigantescas possibilidades, mas sem fronteiras e leis claras, que se tornou um faroeste.
Arte artigo1   Arte do Artigo

ARTIGO - Seis principais riscos do Metaverso e como se proteger
Por Redação Finanças | Yahoo! Finanças | Em 06/03/2022
As gigantes da tecnologia pretendem, através do metaverso, oferecer uma nova maneira de interação no mundo virtual. Utilizando recursos avançados como realidade aumentada e inteligência artificial, as pessoas poderão conviver entre si em ambientes digitais por meio de avatares e realizar tarefas do mundo real, como fazer compras, trabalhar, buscar informações, comprar terrenos virtuais, entre outras atividades. No entanto, toda essa novidade lucrativa pode trazer também inúmeros riscos para os usuários e a sociedade. Veja neste artigo seis perigos que o metaverso pode oferecer
Arte artigo1   6-principais-riscos-do-metaverso-e-como-se-proteger

COLUNA - A ascensão do metaverso e dos NFTs
Por Martha Gabriel | MIT Sloan Management Review | Em 05/08/2021
Na medida que você compreende o potencial do metaverso e dos NFTs, é preciso questionar, de maneira reiterada, as estratégias para aproveitar o crescimento e o avanço no uso dessas tecnologias
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ARTIGO - Muito além do NFT: metaversos, Web3 e o futuro digital
Por Bruno Natal | Mit Tech Review | Em 14/04/2021
A explosão do mercado da cripto arte é apenas a ponta visível de uma completa transformação da internet através da criptografia e da descentralização.
Logo MIT_Tech_Rev   Arte do Artigo

ARTIGO - Entenda o que é Web3 e tudo o que é preciso saber sobre o conceito
Por Luiz Gustavo Pacete | Forbes | Em 19/01/2022
Cunhado em 2014 pelo britânico Gavin Wood, o termo coloca em perspectiva uma internet descentralizada.
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ARTICLE - Understanding web3: The new version of the web that works on blockchain
By Paul Kim | Business Insider | On April 28, 2022
In web3, your data is stored on your wallet instead of on the platforms you visit. Web3 is a new iteration of the world wide web that hosts decentralized apps that run on blockchain technology and advocates emphasize user privacy and ownership of data. Critics of web3 point to its potential to exacerbate class inequality.
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ARTICLE - Web3 Internet Browsers: The Comprehensive Guide
By James Howell | 101 Blockchains | On February 18, 2022
Web 3.0 browsers guide.
Artigo     Artigo     Artigo     Artigo

ARTIGO - Towards a semantic Construction Digital Twin: Directions for future research
By Calin Boje, AnnieGuerriero, Sylvain Kubickia e Yacine Rezgui | Automation in Construction ! Volume 114, June 2020, 103179
The construction sector can greatly benefit from adopting a Digital Twin paradigm. 196 academic publications were reviewed on the status of BIM and Digital Twin.
Logo Elsevier   Artigo  Artigo

CULTURA - What Valentine’s Day could look like in the Metaverse and Web3 era
By Oluwanifemi Kolawole | Techpoint.Africa | Febuary 14, 2022
Here are some ideas you could consider to have a swell Valentine’s Day while we await the metaverse days.
Logo Elsevier   Artigo

OPINION - The metaverse will change the paradigm of content creation
By Johnny Lyu¹ | | March 20, 2022
The metaverse is a new frontier for business, and creators will be the first to benefit from showcasing products and services to followers.
Logo Coin Telegraph   Artigo

¹Johnny Lyu is the CEO of KuCoin, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, which was launched in 2017. Before joining KuCoin, he had accumulated abundant experience in the e-commerce, auto and luxury industries.

CULTURE - What Is the Metaverse, Exactly?
By ERIC RAVENSCRAFT | Wired | NOV 25, 2021 7:00 AM
Everything you never wanted to know about the future of talking about the future.
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ARTICLE - ReSkin: a versatile, replaceable, low-cost skin for AI research on tactile perception
By Abhinav Gupta and Tess Hellebrekers | Meta | Nov 1st, 2021
Our sense of touch helps us navigate the world around us. With it, we can gather information about objects — such as whether they’re light or heavy, soft or hard, stable or unstable — that we use to accomplish everyday tasks, from putting on our shoes to preparing a meal. AI today effectively incorporates senses like vision and sound, but touch remains an ongoing challenge. That’s in part due to limited access to tactile-sensing data in the wild. As a result, AI researchers hoping to incorporate touch into their models struggle to exploit richness and redundancy from touch sensing the way people do.
Logo Meta    Artigo

ARTICLE - Biosymbiotic, personalized, and digitally manufactured wireless devices for indefinite collection of high-fidelity biosignals
Digital medicine, the ability to stream continuous information from the body to gain insight into health status, manage disease, and predict onset health problems, is only gradually developing. Key technological hurdles that slow the proliferation of this approach are means by which clinical grade biosignals are continuously obtained without frequent user interaction. To overcome these hurdles, solutions in power supply and interface strategies that maintain high-fidelity readouts chronically are critical. This work introduces a previously unexplored class of devices that overcomes the limitations using digital manufacturing to tailor geometry, mechanics, electromagnetics, electronics, and fluidics to create unique personalized devices optimized to the wearer. These elastomeric, three-dimensional printed, and laser-structured constructs, called biosymbiotic devices, enable adhesive-free interfaces and the inclusion of high-performance, far-field energy harvesting to facilitate continuous wireless and battery-free operation of multimodal and multidevice, high-fidelity biosensing in an at-home setting without user interaction.
Logo Science Advances      Artigo    Artigo     Artigo  

Video - Prof.Philipp Gutruf presents his lab where has developed 3-D printed, wearable devices that are powered wirelessly and which can seamlessly integrate with the shape of an individual’s body at Biomedical Engineering at the University of Arizona. The Lab is on the forefront of designing the next generation of biomedical devices for monitoring users’ health.
Logo Youtubr

ARTICLE - Virtual Reality in Healthcare
By Vitaliy Ilyukha, Head of Technology | Jelvix | Acessed on April, 2022
Today virtual reality in healthcare is on a rapid rise, and many well-known companies are using it in a novel way to improve the health care system all around the world. The healthcare industry used virtual reality throughout its various sectors to provide high-quality care to patients and medical professionals alike. On top of that, virtual reality is being used in everything from surgical preparation to patient illness and therapy.
Logo Jelvix    Artigo  Artigo    Artigo

ARTIGO - What is a digital twin?
By Autodesk | 2022
A digital twin is a dynamic, up-to-date representation of a physical object or system.
Logo Elsevier   Artigo

ARTIGO - O Guia Definitivo da Tecnologia Blockchain: Uma Revolução Para Mudar o Mundo
Por Lucas Lamounier | 101 Blockchains | 12 de setembro de 2018
Guia didático para iniciantes em nove capítulos

ARTIGO - O que é blockchain – uma explicação simples
Por Staff | Nubank | 18 de agosto de 2019
Que tecnologia é essa que ganhou a atenção do mundo? É a mesma coisa que bitcoin? É segura? É uma revolução?
Logo Elsevier    Artigo

PAPER - Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
By Satoshi Nakamoto | | August 18, 2018
A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending.We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.

Report - What Metaverse Means for Tech and How DLT is Transforming FinTech
What Metaverse Means for Tech and How DLT is Transforming FinTech
By Richa Bhatia | TOOLBOX tech | February 25, 2022
Metaverse seems to be going from the bleeding edge of technology to mainstream, as seen from the recent flurry of investments in metaverse applications. From Meta (formerly Facebook) to Microsoft, Google and Apple, there’s some serious work underway to define what the metaverse would look like. The latest to join the party is IT major Infosys, which launched the metaverse foundry.
Logo toolbox    all-aboard-metaverse-crypto

PAPER - Holoportation: Virtual 3D Teleportation in Real-time
By Sergio Orts, Christoph Rhemann, +20 authors S. Izadi | | October 16, 2016
This paper presents an end-to-end system for augmented and virtual reality telepresence, called Holoportation. Our system demonstrates high-quality, real-time 3D reconstructions of an entire space, including people, furniture and objects, using a set of new depth cameras. These 3D models can also be transmitted in real-time to remote users. This allows users wearing virtual or augmented reality displays to see, hear and interact with remote participants in 3D, almost as if they were present in the same physical space. From an audio-visual perspective, communicating and interacting with remote users edges closer to face-to-face communication. This paper describes the Holoportation technical system in full, its key interactive capabilities, the application scenarios it enables, and an initial qualitative study of using this new communication medium.
Artigo   Artigo

Paper - S3: Neural Shape, Skeleton, and Skinning Fields for 3D Human Modeling
By Ze Yang, Shenlong Wang, Sivabalan Manivasagam1, Zeng Huang, Wei-Chiu Ma, Xinchen Yan, Ersin Yumer, Raquel Urtasun| | January 17, 2022
Constructing and animating humans is an important component for building virtual worlds in a wide variety of applications such as virtual reality or robotics testing in simulation. As there are exponentially many variations of humans with different shape, pose and clothing, it is critical to develop methods that can automatically reconstruct and animate humans at scale from real world data. Towards this goal, we represent the pedestrian’s shape, pose and skinning weights as neural implicit functions that are directly learned from data. This representation enables us to handle a wide variety of different pedestrian shapes and poses without explicitly fitting a human parametric body model, allowing us to handle a wider range of human geometries and topologies. The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach whwre on various datasets and show that our reconstructions outperform existing state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, our re-animation experiments show that we can generate 3D human animations at scale from a single RGB image (and/or an optional LiDAR sweep) as input.
Neural Shape, Skeleton, and Skinning   Neural Shape, Skeleton, and Skinning

Report - The Tactile Internet
ITU-T Technology Watch Report
By Prof. Gerhard Fettweis et al | ITU-T | August, 2014
In principle, all of our human senses can interact with machines, and technology’s potential in this respect is growing. The Tactile Internet will enable haptic interaction with visual feedback, with technical systems supporting not just audiovisual interaction, but also that involving robotic systems to be controlled with an imperceptible time-lag.
Tactile_Internet   Logo ITU   

Tactile_Internet   Tactile_Internet   

ARTIGO - Vida real é um metaverso? Hipótese sugere que já estamos em uma simulação
Por Prof.Dr. Diogo Cortiz | tiltUOL | Em 17/04/2022 04h00
Metaverso e outras tecnologias "complicam" nossa compreensão do que é a realidade.
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Article - The Metaverse Value-Chain
By Jon Radoff | Building the Metaverse/ | April 7, 2021 | 11 min read
Trillions of dollars: that’s how much private industry is investing into the metaverse.
the-metaverse-value-chain   Logo Medium

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Infographic - Metaverse - the future of Internet
Early Metrics | On October 29, 2021
Metaverse - the future of Internet

Full article by Ninian Carter | At Graphic News | On October 29, 2021

Infographic - Metaverse Market Growth Outlook
Bloomberg Intelligence | On December 01, 2021

Full article by Nathan Naidu | At Bloomberg Intelligence | On December 01, 2021

Infographic - Expect to See VR/AR Adoption Outside of Consumer Sectors and Number of U.S. Gamers
Morgan Stanley | On December 16, 2021

Current VR/AR Market Share

Expect to See VR/AR Adoption Outside of Consumer Sectors
Gaming Is a Secular Trend That Saw Outsized Adoption in 2020
Number of U.S. Gamers (in millions)
Number of U.S. Gamers

Full article by Vijay Chandar | At Morgan Stanley | On December 16, 2021

Infographic - Key trends in the metaverse
Early Metrics | On 22 February 2022
Key trends in the metaverse

Full article by Katerina Mansour | At Early Metrics | On 22 February 2022

Infographic - The metaverse lies at the intersection of Three Technolohies and User Bases
By Jean-François Bobier, Tibor Mérey, Stephen Robnett, Michael Grebe, Jimmy Feng, Benjamin Rehberg, Kristi Woolsey, and Joël Hazan
At | On April 20, 2022

Full article by Jean-François Bobier et al

Infographic - A semantic Construction Digital Twin
Elsevier | On 2020
Infográfico DT na Construção

Full article by Calin Boje, Annie Guerriero, Sylvain Kubicki and YacineRezgui | At Elsevier | On 2020

Infographic - Digital Twin Market
Global Market Insights | On 2020
Infográfico DT Market

Sample and request for full report by Preeti Wadhwani, Smriti Loomba | At Global Market Insight | On 2020

Infographic - Market Map of the Metaverse
By Jon Radoff | | On Apr 13, 2021

Full article by Jon Radoff | | On Apr 13, 2021

Infographic - Metaverse Market Size
By PwC | Cited by Johnny Lyu | On Mar 20, 2022

Full article by Johnny Lyu | | On Mar 20, 2022

Infographic - Why is there hype around Metaverse?
By Ashutosh Gupta | On January 28, 2022

Full article by Ashutosh Gupta | Gartner | On January 28, 2022

Infographic - Metaverse evolution
By Tuong Nguyen, Adrian Lee and Anushree Verma | On April 08, 2022

Full article by Tuong Nguyen, Adrian Lee and Anushree Verma | Gartner | On April 08, 2022

Infographic - Virtual Reality in Healthcare
By Vitaliy Ilyukha, Head of Technology| Jelvix | Accessed on April, 222

Full article by Vitaliy Ilyukha | Jelvix | Accessed on April, 2022

Infographic - The Seven Layears of the Metaverse
By Jon Radoff| Building the Metaverse | Apr 7, 2021

Full article by Jon Radoff| | Building the Metaverse | Apr 7, 2021

Infographic - Pesquisa Mensal de Hardware e Software do Steam: Maio 2022: Headsets de Realidade Virtual
By Staff| | 12/06/2022
Pesquisa Mensal de Hardware e Software do Steam Logo SteamPowered

Infographic - Monthly-connected headsets on Steam are up 80% year-over-year
By Ben Lang | Road to RV | June 6, 2019
Monthly-connected headsets on Steam

Full article by Ben Lang | Road to RV | June 6, 2019

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Hapticos - Aplicações-Hápticas para saúde, games e brinquedos sexuais
Por Guilherme Hummel | Coordenador Científico da Hospitalar Hub | 31 Jan, 2022
"Haptic technologies, juntamente com Realidade Virtual, Realidade Aumentada e Visualização 3D, ganham desenvoltura e avançam nas aplicações profissionais. A rápida evolução háptica tem uma explicação explicita: 5G. Às portas das redes de 5G, os mercados de wearables, como roupas ou gadgets vestíveis, estão cada vez mais enredados em aplicações que utilizem sensores integrados, biossensores, motores, vibradores, ‘mechanoreceptors’, ‘afferent nerves’ e outros elementos táteis que produzam algum insight sensível no corpo humano. A banda 5G possui combinadamente (1) altíssima velocidade; (2) conexão massiva de dispositivos (mais de um milhão por quilometro quadrado) e (3) baixíssimo tempo de resposta (baixa latência). Ou seja, um único vestível poderá conter cerca de 150 sensores funcionando sem interferência, em alta velocidade e com tempo de resposta inferior a 10 milissegundos (em 4G: de 50 a 80 milissegundos). Nessa dimensão, a Internet das Coisas (IoT) se tornará a Internet dos Corpos (IoB - Internet of Bodies), permitindo que pessoas atualizem seu personal-link, adicionando dispositivos, sensores ou chips em seus corpos. Nesse movimento (repleto de neologismos) retorna, por exemplo, a “Internet Tátil”, um conceito proposto em 2014 por Gerhard Fettweis, da Technical University of Dresden, que identifica uma estrutura tecnológica só possível com as latências ultrabaixas de 5G".
holoportation logo_saudebusiness.png

6G - Study: 6G's Haptic, Holographic Future?
Possibilities and challenges for future 6G communications networks
By Payal Dhar | IEEE Spectrum | On June 24, 2021 | 3 min read
The study outlines what it calls a “high-fidelity holographic society”, one in which “Holographic presence will enable remote users [to be represented] as a rendered local presence.

Haptic - Scientists Invent Mouth Haptics for VR, Including Water, Wind and... Spiders
By Ryan Dale | IGN | On 09/05/2022
A taste of the metaverse?
haptic   haptic

6G - Med-Tech Eureka: The Body Is the Best Secure Data Channel
No need for fancy wireless anything when communicating between medical devices
By Prachi Patel | IEEE Spectrum | On April 16, 2022 | 3 min read
"Pacemakers, implantable insulin pumps, neural implants, and other in vivo medical devices all need a way to send their data to the outside world. But ways to do that wirelessly, which would be more comfortable for patients, lend themselves to security risks, biocompatibility issues, and high power consumption. Researchers have now tapped into the charge stored by the body’s natural ions to transmit low-power wireless data from bio-implants. “The body has an abundance of ions, and we are able to show you can establish long distance and very low power communication,” says Dion Khodagholy, an electrical engineering professor at Columbia University."

Telepresença - Holoportation
By Microsoft Research | On 2016
Holoportation is a new type of 3D capture technology that allows high-quality 3D models of people to be reconstructed, compressed and transmitted anywhere in the world in real time. When combined with mixed reality displays such as HoloLens, this technology allows users to see, hear, and interact with remote participants in 3D as if they are actually present in the same physical space. Communicating and interacting with remote users becomes as natural as face-to-face communication.

Scent - Scent Technology for Virtual Reality
By Staff | OVR | March, 2022
Scent makes virtual experiences more engaging, more immersive, more emotional, and more effective. Olfactory Virtual Reality technology is plug-and-play. It is compatible with all existing VR headsets and can be applied to any VR content via our universal software plugin
Logo OVR    Artigo

Body Sharing - Sharing body experiences
By Staff | H2L - Happy Hacking Life | March, 2022
Body Sharing allows the user to share body experiences with virtual avatars, robots and other humans.
Logo h2l    Body Sharing

NEUROTECHNOLOGY - Brain-Computer Interfaces, Open Source and Democratizing the Future of Augmented Consciousness
By Bernal, Guillermo, Sean Montgomery, and Pattie Maes | MIT Media Lab | April 14, 2021
Accessibility, adaptability, and transparency of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) tools and the data they collect will likely impact how we collectively navigate a new digital age. This discussion reviews some of the diverse and transdisciplinary applications of BCI technology and draws speculative inferences about the ways in which BCI tools, combined with machine learning (ML) algorithms may shape the future. BCIs come with substantial ethical and risk considerations, and it is argued that open source principles may help us navigate complex dilemmas by encouraging experimentation and making developments public as we build safeguards into this new paradigm. Bringing open-source principles of adaptability and transparency to BCI tools can help democratize the technology, permitting more voices to contribute to the conversation of what a BCI-driven future should look like. Open-source BCI tools and access to raw data, in contrast to black-box algorithms and limited access to summary data, are critical facets enabling artists, DIYers, researchers and other domain experts to participate in the conversation about how to study and augment human consciousness. Looking forward to a future in which augmented and virtual reality become integral parts of daily life, BCIs will likely play an increasingly important role in creating closed-loop feedback for generative content. Brain-computer interfaces are uniquely situated to provide artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms the necessary data for determining the decoding and timing of content delivery. The extent to which these algorithms are open-source may be critical to examine them for integrity, implicit bias, and conflicts of interest.
Logo mit media lab    Body Sharing

By Staff | Open BCI | April 4, 2022
OpenBCI creates open-source tools for biosensing and neuroscience. OpenBCI’s mission is to lower the barrier to entry for brain-computer interfacing, while ensuring that these technologies are adopted into the consumer landscape in an ethical way that protects user agency and mental hea
Logo BCI    BCI

NEUROTECHNOLOGY - Interfacing with the Brain
By Staff | Neuralink | April 8, 2022
Innovation is pushing the boundaries of neural engineering. Neuralink is designing the first neural implant that will let you control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go.
Logo Neuralink    Neuralink    Neuralink    Neuralink

RASTREAMENTO OCULAR - Metaverso: rastreamento ocular deve melhorar imersão e reduzir equipamentos.
Por Lucas Santana | Tilt UOL | 02/04/2022 04h00
Tecnologia mapeia os olhos de uma pessoa para detectar qual o ponto da imagem digital que ela está prestando atenção.
Logo Tilt UOL    Rastreamento Ocular

3D AUDIO - Top 4 Predictions for the Audio Metaverse
By Kurt Kaufer | AdAge | 27/04/2022 04h00
Spatial audio, or 3D audio, is one of the elements of the metaverse that makes it feel truly immersive. One of the best opportunities for brands to enter into the metaverse may not be through non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or the costly procurement of VR/AR equipment, but rather through all the potential that audio in the metaverse currently holds. Ad Results Media gives the following predictions: (1) audio identity becomes the new visual identity; (2) brands will need to become excellent conversationalist; (3) podcasts get a live virtual audienc; and (4) Spatial audio will be incorporated into traditional audio ads.
Logo AdAge    Audio Espacial

3D AUDIO DEMOS - Spatial Audio Demos Hear the Difference
By Staff | High Fidelity | Accessed on 2022
Interactive demo and some platforms that have already embraced Spatial Audio.
Logo High Fidelity    Audio Espacial Demos

AR PROJECTION - Design Tools for Projection Mapping
By Staff | LightForm | 2022
Conceito interessante, mas a Lightform descontinuou todas as execuções de produção de hardware e está terminando.
Logo LightForm    AR Projetada

VR - Vircadia: virtual realities for one, for all
By Staff | Vircadia | 2022
Vircadia is a full coverage ecosystem of open source applications that enable individuals and organizations to deploy their own virtual world solution. It is a 3D environment. Vircadia is a FLOSS decentralized virtual worlds platform. It is cross platform, with support for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Web (coming soon!). Development is distributed across many volunteers and committed through their various contributions, big and small.
Logo Arena Vircadia    Vircadia

XR - WebXR Viewer
By Staff | Mozilla Labs |
The WebXR Viewer is an augmented reality (AR) viewer that lets you create and run AR experiences built with web technologies and Apple's ARKit.
Logo Mozilla    WebXR

OS - Croquet OS
By Staff | Croquet OS |
Microverses are independent, interconnected web-based spaces and worlds created on the Metaverse. Croquet OS is a powerful and easy open way to build microverses. Billions of independent, interconnected microverses will make up the Metaverse. Most will be built with Croquet OS. Croquet OS is a browser based operating system featuring a bit identical shared virtual machine and JavaScript developer tools.
Logo Croquet    Croquet OS
Croquet OS

Platform - Wonder: make your own metaverse on the web
By Staff | Wonder |
Ecosystem for bringing Unreal Engine apps to HTML5, at near native performance and lightning fast load times.
Logo Croquet    Wonder

3D DESIGN - NVIDIA Omniverse
By Staff | NVIDIA | Acessed on 2022
O NVIDIA Omniverse™ é uma plataforma extensível usada para colaboração em design 3D e simulação realista e dimensionável em tempo real com várias GPUs. O Omniverse possibilita a criação e desenvolvimento individual e em equipe, aumentando as possibilidades criativas e a eficiência para todas as pessoas e projetos nas empresas. .

    Topo da Página Topo da Página

EDUCAÇÃO - Como o metaverso vai impactar a educação
Por Mattheus Goto | epocanegocios | 18 ABR 2022 - 06H00 atualizado em 18 ABR 2022 - 06H00 | 4 min de leitura
Startups e centros de ensino já estão explorando o universo virtual; para especialistas, tecnologia pode gerar mais concentração e conexão dentro da sala de aula.

EDUCATION - Three Emerging Educational Opportunities In The Metaverse
By David Lucatch | Forbes Business Council | May 20, 2022,08:15am EDT
As the metaverse industry is expected to be an $800 billion market by 2024, we continue to learn new ways this immersive, virtual environment might better enable us to connect with each other from anywhere in the world.

RELIGIÃO - Igreja Batista da Lagoinha inaugura templo no metaverso, nesta quarta-feira
Por Marcelo Ramos | Itatiaia Noticias | 13/04/2022
Espaço acessado via computador terá cultos e até casamentos.

TURISMO - Como metaverso irá revolucionar o turismo
Por Juan Pablo D. Boeira | epocanegocios | 07/04/2022 - 11H40 atualizado em 07 ABR 2022 - 12H06 | 7 min de leitura
O metaverso irá transformar o turismo - desde trazer novas experiências até ampliar a possibilidade de pesquisas

AUTOMOBILÍSTICA - Carros no Metaverso: o que montadoras já estão fazendo no mundo virtual.
Por José Antonio Leme | Tilt UOL | 04/04/2022 04:00
As marcas de carros já se preparam para participar do universo virtual Metaverso de forma a atrair clientes e melhorar as vendas na vida real.

SOCIAL - Primeiro casamento do Brasil no metaverso é realizado em parceria com Outback e Stonoex
Por Cassio Gusson | | 21/03/2022
Os brasileiros Rita Wu e André Mertens escolheram o universo digital da Decentraland (MANA) para oficializar seu casamento, o primeiro a ocorrer no metaverso.

INDÚSTRIA - Boeing quer construir seu próximo avião no metaverso
Por Redação | CNN Brasil / Reuters | Em 17/12/2021
Nova estratégia ambiciosa da Boeing busca unificar as amplas operações de design, produção e serviços aéreos em um único ecossistema digital em dois anos.
boeing-quer-construir-seu-proximo-aviao-no-metaverso    Logo CNN Brasil

ARQUITETURA - Metaverso: um terreno fértil para arquitetos?
Por Marília Matoso | ArchDaily | Em 09/03/2022
Espaços virtuais estão se tornando mais comuns e cada vez mais sofisticados à medida que as empresas correm para construir plataformas que atrairão as pessoas para seus respectivos cantos do metaverso. Para plataformas como, Microsoft Mesh e Horizon Worlds do Facebook, o metaverso parece uma extensão do trabalho ou da vida, onde os avatares podem se encontrar em ambientes modernos brilhantes ou paisagens sobrenaturais para encontros.
Arte do Artigo    Arte artigo1

IMOBILIÁRIA - Estes são os terrenos mais caros já vendidos no metaverso
Por Redação | Viu Online - Tecnologia e inovação | On 08/05/2022
Estima-se que mercado de terrenos virtuais atinja a marca de US$ 1 bilhão em 2022.
Arte do Artigo    Logo Fast Company

HEALTHCARE - 3 ways the metaverse is already reshaping healthcare
By Sam Glassenberg | Fast Company | On 10/05/2022
Here’s a few examples of how “medicine’s metaverse” is set to transform this industry: massively-multiplayer, low-risk medical training, real digital twins and medical AR
Arte do Artigo    Logo Fast Company

MARKETING - How DTC (Direct to Consumer) Brands Personalize and Optimize the Shopping Experience with 3D and AR
By Lara Oliveira | Fast Company | On May 5, 2022
Case Studies that Show How DTC is Evolving
Direct to Consumer (DTC) marketing offers brands greater freedom over traditional supply chains and the chance to capitalize on strong customer relationships. But after rising to prominence in the social media age, is the DTC brand model starting to fade? In this blog, we’ll look at how 3D and AR offer potential solutions to the problems faced by today’s DTC brands.
DTC Marketing    Logo ARsenal

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GAMES - 5 Best Metaverse Games To Play
By Georgia Weston | | December 22, 2021
"Top Choices of Metaverse Games You Should Play" .
Logo Dev    VFX Prosessionals

GAMES - Games for Cities
By Paolo Pedercini et al | | Since 2017
Using games to improve city-making
"This is a growing collection of games that improve city making". Themes: public space, land-use, sustainability, community and economy. Types: digital, analogue, roleplay, designing, decisionmaking and learning.
Logo Games for Cities    Games for Cities

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3D DCC - What does Digital Content Creation even mean?
By Staff | L3RN | 2022
3D Digital Content Creation (DCC) software is targeted towards creatives making visual experiences. These experiences can include but are not limited to: Video games, Movies, Visualizations and renderings, Interactive exhibits, Educational content…and more..
Logo L3RM    DCC Image

FORMAT - What Is Universal Scene Description?
By Staff | NVIDIA | Accessed on May, 2022

Universal Scene Description (USD) is an easily extensible, open-source 3D scene description and file format developed by Pixar for content creation and interchange among different tools. As a result of its power and versatility, it’s being widely adopted, not only in the visual effects community, but also in architecture, design, robotics, manufacturing, and other disciplines.
Logo NVIDIA    PIXAR Kitchen Set

FORMAT - Universal Scene Description
By Staff | PIXAR | Accessed on May, 2022
Universal Scene Description (USD) is an efficient, scalable system for authoring, reading, and streaming time-sampled scene description for interchange between graphics applications.
Logo USD    PIXAR Kitchen Set
Universal Scene Description - github Logo github

3D CG - Blender
By Staff | Blender Foundation | 2022
Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, even video editing and game creation. Advanced users employ Blender’s API for Python scripting to customize the application and write specialized tools; often these are included in Blender’s future releases. Blender is well suited to individuals and small studios who benefit from its unified pipeline and responsive development process. Blender is cross-platform and runs equally well on Linux, Windows, and Macintosh computers. Its interface uses OpenGL to provide a consistent experience. To confirm specific compatibility, the list of supported platforms indicates those regularly tested by the development team.
Logo Blender    VFX Prosessionals

Article - 10 Different types of 3D modeling techniques
By Staff | at Artistic Render | Last Access on may 2022
In this article 10 different types of 3D modeling are presented. Perhaps you can get an idea of where your next project will go or maybe you will be as amazed, just how much 3D is used as a tool to visualize in so many ways. These are the types of modeling we will discuss and explore: Box modeling; polygon modeling; nurbs and curve modeling; digital 3D sculpting; photogrammetry; simulation; procedural modeling; boolean modeling; Kit bashing and modular modeling.
3d-modeling-techniques   Logo Medium

AVATAR - Your Passport to the Metaverse
By Staff | Ready Player Me | 2022
Avatares multiplataforma para jogos e o Metaverso.
Create your avatar and explore virtual worlds with one consistent identity. It's your passport to the metaverse. The goal of the Ready Plear Me is to become the default avatar system for virtual worlds. They are backed by top investors, and already working with well-known brands like Warner Bros, Dior, New Balance, and RTFKT.
Logo Blender    VFX Prosessionals

Vídeo de como criar um Avatar

3D SCENES - Introducing Spoke: Make your own custom 3D social scenes
By Robert Long and Brian Peiris | Mozilla mixed Reality Blog | 18 OCTOBER 2018
Spoke lets you quickly take all the amazing 3D content from across the web from sites like Sketchfab and Google Poly and compose it into a custom scene with your own personal touch. You can also use your own 3D models, exported as glTF. The scenes you create can be published, shared, and used in Hubs in just a few clicks. It takes as little as 5 minutes to create a scene and meet up with others in VR. Don’t believe us? Check out our 5 minute tutorial to see how easy it is..
Logo Mozilla    DCC Image

3D SCENES - Plataform for 3D & AR on the Web
By Staff | Sketchfab | Acessed on 2022
Plataform for 3D &AR on the Web that allows: to share and to embed 3D models anywhere online; toooo manage 3D assets; to distribute 3D & AR experiences; to collaborate with others; to showcase a work; and to buy and to sell 3D models. .
Logo Mozilla    DCC Image

3D WEB DESIGN - Google Web Designer
By Staff | Google | Acessed on 2022
Create engaging, interactive HTML5-based designs and motion graphics that can run on any device. Google Web Designer gives you the power to create beautiful, engaging HTML5 content. Use animation and interactive elements to bring your creative vision to life, and enjoy seamless integration with other Google products, like Google Drive, Display & Video 360, and Google Ads. Find the tools you need whether you're a designer or a developer: a full design suite and the ability to edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript directly. Switch between Design view and Code view to see how your changes render. Create and manipulate 3D Content using CSS3. Rotate objects and 2D designs along any axis, visualizing 3D transformations as you author. .
Logo Gooble Web Designer    DCC Image

CSS 3D - CSS 3D Transforms
By Staff | W3 Schools | Acessed on 2022
Create engaging, interactive HTML5-based designs and motion graphics that can run on any device. Google Web Designer gives you the power to create beautiful, engaging HTML5 content. Use animation and interactive elements to bring your creative vision to life, and enjoy seamless integration with other Google products, like Google Drive, Display & Video 360, and Google Ads. Find the tools you need whether you're a designer or a developer: a full design suite and the ability to edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript directly. Switch between Design view and Code view to see how your changes render. Create and manipulate 3D Content using CSS3. Rotate objects and 2D designs along any axis, visualizing 3D transformations as you author. .
Logo Gooble Web Designer    DCC Image

3D CG - What is Neural Rendering?
By Hugo | Zumo Labs| May 4, 2021
"The key concept behind neural rendering approaches is that they are differentiable. A differentiable function is one whose derivative exists at each point in the domain. This is important because machine learning is basically the chain rule with extra steps: a differentiable rendering function can be learned with data, one gradient descent step at a time. Learning a rendering function statistically through data is fundamentally different from the classic rendering methods".
Logo Dev    VFX Prosessionals

OpenGL - The Industry's Foundation for High Performance Graphics
| Khronos Group |
OpenGL® is the most widely adopted 2D and 3D graphics API in the industry, bringing thousands of applications to a wide variety of computer platforms. It is window-system and operating-system independent as well as network-transparent. OpenGL enables developers of software for PC, workstation, and supercomputing hardware to create high-performance, visually compelling graphics software applications, in markets such as CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment, game development, manufacturing, medical, and virtual reality. OpenGL exposes all the features of the latest graphics hardware.
Logo OpenGL

GlTF - GL Transmission Format
By Staff | Khronos Group |
Format for transfering 3D content over network, based on JSON.
Logo Khronos Group    Formato GlTF

GlTF - glTF™ 2.0 Specification
The Khronos® 3D Formats Working Group Version 2.0.1, 2021-10-11 23:01:57Z
From git branch: main commit: 8e798b02d254cea97659a333cfcb20875b62bdd4 | Khronos Group |
This document, referred to as the “glTF Specification” or just the “Specification” hereafter, describes the glTF file format. glTF is an API-neutral runtime asset delivery format. glTF bridges the gap between 3D content creation tools and modern graphics applications by providing an efficient, extensible, interoperable format for the transmission and loading of 3D content.
Logo gltf    Formato GlTF Hierarquia

VFX - The Beginners Guide to VFX (Visual effects): 10 Useful Tools and Software (Free & Paid)
By Staff | Arena Chowringhee | 2022
Visual effects leave a strong impression on a viewer whether it is a movie, television commercial or online game. You can create stunning designs using appropriate computer generated visual effects. A list of 10 useful VFX tool (Design, Composition and Editing): Adobe After Effects, Blender, Krita, HitFilm Express, GIMP, Nuke, 4D Cinema, Autodesk Maya, Fusion, and DaVinci Resolve.
Logo Arena Chowringhee    VFX Prosessionals

VFX - VFX Reference Platform
By Staff | VFX Ref Plataform| 2022
The VFX Reference Platform is a set of tool and library versions to be used as a common target platform for building software for the VFX industry. Its purpose is to minimise incompatibilities between different software packages, ease the support burden for Linux-based pipelines and encourage further adoption of Linux by software vendors. The Reference Platform is updated annually by a group of software vendors in collaboration with the Visual Effects Society Technology Committee.
Logo Visual Effects Society    VFX Prosessionals

Model-Viewer - Easily display interactive 3D models on the web & in AR
By Staff | | Acessed on 2023
Model-Viewer> is supported on the last two major versions of all evergreen desktop and mobile browsers, plus the last two versions of Safari (on MacOS and iOS)..
Model Viewr

Model-Viewer - Model-Viewer Online Editor/Viewer
By Staff | | Acessed on 2023
Model-Viewer Editor ..
Model Viewr Editor

Model-Viewer - 3DViewer Online Editor/Viewer
By Staff | 3DViewr | Acessed on 2023
3DViewer. Editor e Visualizador.
3DViewer Editor

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O3DF - Open 3D Foundation at the Linux Foundation Projects
The mission of the O3D Foundation is to make an open source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, realtime 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
Logo O3DF

VES TC - Visual Effects Society Technology Committee
The Visual Effects Society Technology Committee exists to establish industry best practices to enable VFX and Animation clients and vendors to collaborate more efficiently. The Technology Committee works on several projects at a time and selects projects that are outward facing, increase the visibility of the VES, and items we can accomplish in roughly a 12 month time-frame.
Logo VES

XR C - XRC Collaboration
The XR Collaboration aims to compile a Resource Guide that outlines how immersive XR technologies can support human interaction and empower the individual to collectively leverage technology.
Logo XRC
Logo XRC

OpenGL - The Industry's Foundation for High Performance Graphics
| Khronos Group |
OpenGL® congregates companies that adopted Khronos 2D and 3D graphics API standard. It provides, after testing, a OpenGL logo for product ‘compliant’ or ‘conformant’ with that Khronos specification. This helps to ensure that Khronos standards are consistently implemented by multiple vendors to create a reliable platform for developers.
Logo OpenGL

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Glossário - The metaverse glossary
By Wunderman Thompson . | Feb 04, 2022
A primer on the metaverse and key terms to know.
GlossárioThe metaverse glossary

Glossário - The Virtual Production Glossary
By Visual Effects Society Technology Committee.
The Virtual Production Glossary aims to help practitioners across all fields of production decipher the terminology used in Virtual Production. As such it is an industry effort, encouraged and fostered (rather than owned) by the Technology committee.
GlossárioThe Virtual Production Glossary

Glossário - PCMag Encyclopedia
By PC Magazine.
GlossárioPCMag Encyclopedia

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Blog - Building the Metaverse
By Jon Radoff and Erin McCarrie | at
Business, technology and culture of all the virtual worlds, realities and experiences of the Metaverse. 2D, 3D, mobile phones, VR/AR, games, MMORPGs, social networks, digital collectibles, esports; game design, Unity, Unreal, free-to-play (f2p), blockchain, NFTs.

ESSAYS - Matthew Ball Essays
By Matthew Ball | | 2018 - 2022
Matthew Ball's essays on metaverse.
Logo Mathew Ball   Artigo

Blog - Mozilla Mixed Reality Blog
By Staff | at Mozilla
Mozilla Mixed Reality Blog

Blog - Road to VR Guest Articles
By Guests | at Road to VR
Mozilla Mixed Reality Blog

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Podcast - Metaverso, NFTs, Web3... e o futuro da inovação na SXSW
Jornal o Globo | 18/03/2022 - 05:00 / Atualizado em 18/03/2022 - 15:21

Podcast - XR Collaboration Podcasts
XR Collaboration | 2022
XR Collaboration Podcasts

Podcast - The Bitcoin Standard Podcast
By Saifedean Ammous | | 2022
The Bitcoin Standard podcast is releasing a recording of the weekly discussion seminar. The seminar is open to learners on, and focuses on discussing the material of the courses, as well as a broader discussion of Bitcoin, Austrian economics, and various current affairs.

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Stanisław Herman Lem (1921 - 2006 )

Lem was a Polish writer of science fiction and essays on various subjects, including philosophy, futurology, and literary criticism. Many of his science fiction stories are of satirical and humorous character.
Will Wright was inspired to develop the first city-building simulation video game by reading "The Seventh Sally", a short story from The Cyberiad by Stanisław Lem , in which an engineer encounters a deposed tyrant, and creates a miniature city with artificial citizens for the tyrant to oppress.
Stanisław Herman Lem in 1966

The Cyberiad
The Cyberiad – fables for the cybernetic age

The Seventh Sally
Source: Paolo Pedercini at International City Gaming Conference

History of VR - Timeline of Events and Tech Development
By Dom Barnard | | UPDATED AUGUST 2020 - 11 MIN READ
A Historic Journey from Sir Charles Wheatstone (1838) to PlayStation VR (2019) and The Oculus Quest 2 (2020).
Will Wright    Will Wright    Will Wright    Will Wright   

William Ralph Wright

Will Wright (1960) developed the world’s first city-building simulation video game, the SimCity; the first computer game Wright designed was Raid on Bungeling Bay in 1984, but it was SimCity that brought him to prominence. The game was released by Maxis, a company Wright formed with Jeff Braun, and he built upon the game's theme of computer simulation with numerous other titles including SimEarth and SimAnt.
Will Wright

Vídeo - The Rise and Fall of SimCity | Arcadology | TEDxBeaconStreet
The History of the SimCity Franchise
The Rise and Fall of SimCity. A somber topic for many, considering the sour note that the series went out on. Take a trip down memory lane with the history of SimCity. Starting back at the beginning, when the game was little more than a world editor for Will Wright's first game The Raid on Bungeling Bay, to the present day with the game's current status as an also-ran. Take a look at each of the games in the SimCity franchise: SimCity Classic, SimCity 2000, SimCity 3000, SimCity 4, and SimCity 2013, with a brief mention of SimCity Societies. The video also covers how Will Wright and Jeff Braun met, and Maxis's fall and sale to Electronic Arts.
The History of the SimCity Franchise Play

Vídeo - The Story of SimCity | Kim Justice
How Will Wright Created a Phenomenon
A documentary about how the genius Will Wright made SimCity, one of the most important computer games ever made. Going through his inspiration, his struggles, the formation of Maxis, the mainstream success, plus several versions of the game and some of its successors.
The History of the SimCity Franchise Play

The Raid on Bungeling Bay (video game)
Raid on Bungeling Bay was the first video game designed by Will Wright. It was published by Broderbund for the Commodore 64 in 1984. The Commodore 64 version was published in the UK by Ariolasoft. The game inspired Wright to develop SimCity in 1989.
Raid on Bungeling Bay is a 2D shoot 'em up. The player controls a helicopter launched from an aircraft carrier to bomb six factories scattered across islands on a small planetoid occupied by the Bungeling Empire (frequent villains in Broderbund games), while fending off escalating counterattacks by gun turrets, fighter jets, guided missiles, and a battleship. .
David Smith The Colony

SimCity (video game)
SimCity, also known as Micropolis or SimCity Classic, is a city-building simulation video game developed by Will Wright and released for a number of platforms from 1989 to 1991. SimCity features two-dimensional graphics and an overhead perspective. The objective of the game is to create a city, develop residential and industrial areas, build infrastructure, and collect taxes for further development of the city. Importance is placed on increasing the standard of living of the population, maintaining a balance between the different sectors, and monitoring the region's environmental situation to prevent the settlement from declining and going bankrupt. The structuralist dynamics of the game were in part inspired by the work of two architectural and urban theorists, Christopher Alexander and Jay Forrester.
SimCity was independently developed by Will Wright beginning in 1985, and would not see its first release until 1989.[2][3] Because the game lacked any of the arcade or action elements that dominated the video game market in the 1980s, video game publishers declined to release the title in fear of its commercial failure, until Broderbund eventually agreed to distribute it. Although the game initially sold poorly, positive feedback from the gaming press boosted its sales. After becoming a best-seller, SimCity was released on several other platforms, most notably on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1991, in which its gameplay was significantly revised with Nintendo's involvement. .
Will Wright SimCity Will Wright SimCity

David Alan Smith

Smith developed the world’s first 3D real-time adventure/shooter game, The Colony; he created the visualization software behind James Cameron’s The Abyss, and sold 10’s of millions of games and applications. Smith has founded 7 companies, including Virtus Corporation, where he created Virtus Walkthrough in 1990, the first real-time 3D PC design tool.
David Alan Smith

Vídeo - Platform for the Future of AR & VR | David Smith | TEDxBeaconStreet
TEDx Talks with David Alan Smith Smith
David Smith TEDx Talks

The Colony (video game)
The Colony is a first-person shooter developed by David Alan Smith released in 1988. It was published by Mindscape.
The Colony was one of the first games of its kind to let the player move freely while rendering graphics in real time.
David Smith The Colony

Neal Town Stephenson

Neal Stephenson (1959) é um escritor americano apontado como ter cunhado o termo Metaverso no livro Snow Crash. Suas obras de ficção especulativa exploram matemática, criptografia, linguística, filosofia, moeda e história da ciência. Seus romances foram categorizados como ficção científica, ficção histórica, cyberpunk, pós- cyberpunk e barroco.
Second Life Logo

[LIVRO] “Snow Crash” de Neal Stephenson (resenha)
Por Rodrigo F. S. Souza | Resenha | 4 de abril de 2015

"Um hacker samurai e uma skatista ninja unem-se para salvar o mundo de um vírus que ameaça tanto a Realidade quanto o Metaverso, neste que é um dos marcos da literatura cyberpunk, concebido por Neal Stephenson. Estou falando de Snow Crash, relançado [...] pela editora Aleph, que analisarei nesta resenha".
Livro Snow Crash   Livro Snow Crash

Livro Snow Crash - Personagens

History of Second Life

Second Life (SL) evolved as an idea by founder and former Linden Lab CEO, Philip Rosedale (aka Philip Linden). He envisioned a vast green, continuous landscape, distributed across multiple servers — and went on to build it. While he dreamed of virtual worlds since his childhood, in 1994, Rosedale first thought of connecting computers via the Internet and creating a virtual world. In 1999, he founded Linden Lab (LL). Andrew Linden stated that Linden Lab started as a hardware company geared towards the research and development of haptics. Although work was underway on a prototype called "The Rig, haptics were subsequently abandoned due to heavy patent concentration. The Linden Lab employees — commonly known as "Lindens" — needed a virtual world to go with their hardware, so in 2001 they started building "LindenWorld", as described in an early news story.
Second Life Logo    Second  Life History

Philip Rosedale

Philip Rosedale (1968) is an American entrepreneur who founded Linden Lab, which develops and hosts the virtual world Second Life.
Philip Rosedale

Tony Parisi

Tony Parisi, one of the early pioneers in virtual reality, is an entrepreneur, researcher and developer of 3D computer software. The co-creator of Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), he has written books and papers on the future of technology. He worked on WebGL and WebVR and has written two books on the former, and an introductory book on virtual reality programming. Parisi is former head of AR/VR at Unity. He was also an early leader in Web3D and virtual reality, the inventor of VRML (the original standard for 3D graphics on the web) and co-creator of glTF, the open file format that today powers millions of 3D objects.
Tony Parisi

Peter Vessenes

Peter Vessenes has deep roots in digital currency, tokenization, and blockchain. An early adopter of Bitcoin (he started mining in 2010), he is considered a crypto pioneer: he founded the first venture-backed Bitcoin company; the first company to deliver 65nm, 1TH/s Bitcoin mining systems at scale; created the first global Bitcoin conference; co-founded the Bitcoin Foundation; and was the first crypto industry person in the world to advise the US Senate GAO, The US Treasury, and other agencies about Bitcoin. In 2016, Vessenes launched New Alchemy, a leading provider of blockchain technology, strategy, and capital solutions to some of the world’s most innovative companies, and in 2020 he co-founded Noteworthy, producing nation-state grade physical banknotes that secure Bitcoin and other digital currencies. Currently, Vessenes serves as the CEO and Chief Cryptographer of LAMINA1, a Metaverse-first Blockchain which he co-founded with Snow Crash author Neal Stephenson. He continues to invent, incubate, invest in, and advise highly-disruptive startups through his venture capital firm and family office Capital 6.
Peter Vessenes

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PL 4401/2021 - Regulamentação de Ativos Virtuais (Criptomoedas e Exchanges)
Aprovado no Senado
Dispõe sobre a prestadora de serviços de ativos virtuais; e altera o Decreto-Lei nº 2.848, de 7 de dezembro de 1940 (Código Penal), e as Leis nºs 7.492, de 16 de junho de 1986, e 9.613, de 3 de março de 1998, para incluir a prestadora de serviços de ativos virtuais no rol de instituições sujeitas às suas disposições.

PL 5820/2019 - Proposta de alteração do Código Civil
Aguardando Apreciação pelo Senado Federal
Dá nova redação ao art. 1.881 da Lei nº 10.406, de 2002, que institui o Código Civil. Propõe alteração do Código Civil em vigor, pretendendo aprimorar o Codicilo, possibilitando que ele seja feito não só na forma tradicional, escrito, mas também em meio eletrônico, digital.

PL 2876/2020 - Regulamentação de Registros Públicos em Blockchain
Câmara Federal

PORTAL - Legislação e Tecnologia

Legis Tec Br